JTLS-GO International User Conference Hotels
Monterey, California is a highly desireable tourist destination with a small town feel.. As such there are numerous hotels throughout the city as of which are within a 10 or 15 minute drive to the conference location. Because of its tourist reputation, it is difficult to obtain reasonable hotel rates. The following list provide four hotels that are close at various rate levels.
- Conference Hotel - The Embassy Suites - We have negotiated
a reduced price for suites at the hotel. There are three options
available to obtained the reduced rate. You have until Sunday,
February 25th, 2025 to book.
- Use this booking link to access the reduced rate: Embassy Suite Group Reservations
- Attendees may book over the phone by dialing 1-800-362-2779 and referring to the "JTLS International Users Conference" or by referencing the group code "90N"
- Attendees can book on the hotel's website www.embassymonterey.com, after entering the arrival and departure dates, click on Add special rate codes and enter "90N" under group code.